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HomeProductSika® Monotop 610

Sika® Monotop 610

Product Code : 6740030501

Sika® Monotop 610

     Sika® Monotop 610 is a one-component, cementitious, polymer modified primer, bonding slurry with active corrosion inhibitors. It is used to protect reinforcing steel from rust and corrosion. It has excellent adhesion to concrete and steel, and resistance to water and chloride penetration, moisture insensitive with adjustable consistency. In addition, it is easy to use and apply during the application. It is packaged in 20 kilograms bags with a shelf life of up to 12 months from the date of production if stored properly in original unopened, sealed and undamaged packaging in dry and cool storage space.

It can be used to bond MonoTop concrete repair mortars to existing cementitious or steel substrates and provide additional corrosion protection to reinforcement in MonoTop concrete repair mortars especially in areas of low concrete cover and in the presence of chlorides.

Before application, it is advised to check the concrete surface for any contaminants such as oil, grease, coatings and surface treatment. Any sign of weakness in concrete or defects must be removed, honeycombed concrete, blowholes, and voids must be fully exposed. All loose materials and surface laitance must be removed by high-pressure water jet blasting or similar mechanical means. Furthermore, the prepared substrate should be thoroughly soaked with clean water until uniformly saturated, leaving no standing water. In addition, steel reinforcement is advised to be grit blasted to remove all traces of rust and contamination prior to application.

     Mix Sika® Monotop 610 with clean water using either a slow speed drill fitted with clean, rust-free, mixing paddle set at 400 to 600 revolutions per minute, or standard mortar mixing equipment, to ensure minimal entrained air in the mixture. Add Sika® Monotop 610 slowly while mixing continuously for good distribution and consistency of the mixture. By gradually adding the powder in portions, the desired application consistency can be obtained.

As a reinforcement primer, apply two coats of Sika® Monotop 610 of approximately 1 millimeter in thickness each, using a stiff brush or suitable spray equipment, onto the cleaned reinforcement. It is advised to let it reach its initial set, around 5 hours between coats depending on conditions. Furthermore, allow at least 24 hours curing after second coat if repair mortar is to be spray applied.

On the other hand, as a bonding bridge, apply a coat of Sika® Monotop 610 onto the pre-saturated concrete substrate with no less than 0.5 millimeters in thickness by using a brush, roller or suitable spraying equipment. It is advised to work the bonding slurry well into the substrate, to ensure a good bond with the substrate and whole area are coated. In addition, repair mortar must be applied wet on wet to the bonding slurry.

For safety reasons, use personal protective equipment when handling or using Sika® Monotop 610. When not in use, store the product in its original package and reseal it back carefully. Do not release or empty this product and its content into the nearby water source or sewage system.