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HomeProductSikagard®-75 EpoCem®

Sikagard®-75 EpoCem®

Product Code : 6740070104

Sikagard®-75 EpoCem®

Sikagard®-75 EpoCem® is a high-performance, three-component, solvent-free, moisture-tolerant, epoxy-modified, structural resurfacing, cementitious compound and pore-filling mortar. Advantage: It provides economical structural repair and resurfacing compound for both vertical and horizontal surfaces. It requires no on-site batching, plant-proportioned packaging ensures constant composition and consistent high quality. After 24 hours after application sikagard®-75 EpoCem®, it can be over-coated with polymer based coating. This product is compatible with coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete. In addition, it features excellent adhesion to damp concrete substrate and excellent resistance to water and oil.

Sikagard®-75 EpoCem® is packaged in sets of three components in 23 kilograms bag with a shelf life of up to 12 months from the date of production if stored properly in original, unopened, undamaged, and sealed packaging. It is advised to store Sikagard®-75 EpoCem components in cool and dry places, preferably at a temperature between 4°C to 35°C.

Sikagard®-75 EpoCem® is specially made for use on green or damp concrete having a maximum moisture content of 12 percent by weight. As a temporary moisture barrier prior to the application of polymer protective coatings. As a pore sealing leveling mortar, especially for use on secondary containment structures. Ideal for  repair of damp or saturated substrates such as sewage treatment plants, water treatment plants, tanks, tunnels, drains, bridges, etc. On grade, above and below grade on concrete.

Prior to application, all surfaces must be clean and sound. All deteriorated concrete, dirt, oil, grease, and other bond-inhibiting materials from the area is to be removed and repaired. It is advised to use sandblasting, shot-blasting, or other appropriate mechanical means to obtain an open-pore and textured. Furthermore, To ensure optimum repair results, the effectiveness of decontamination and preparation should be assessed by a pull-off test.

Per mixing application, shake both component A and B well. Then pour component A (white liquid) into component B (plastic canister) and shake violently for 30 seconds. Afterward, pour the binder mixture into a 30-litre pail and add component C; mix thoroughly for about 2 minutes, using a suitable low-speed electric stirrer or a forced action mixer.

Sikagard 75 Epocem® may be applied by spatula, trowel, or other means as appropriate. The material may be applied with confidence to damp substrates. A moistened rubber sponge or distemper brush may be used as required to impart a fine surface finish. Protect the freshly applied Sikagard 75 Epocem® from rain for  24 hours.

As with all cement-based materials, avoid contact with aluminum to prevent adverse chemical reaction and possible product failure. Insulate potential areas of contact by coating aluminum bars, rails, posts with an appropriate epoxy such as Sikadur Hi-Mod 32. Do not use on surfaces exhibiting hydrostatic pressure or use over positive vapor pressure.

For safety precautions, it is advised to use proper protective equipment when handling and using the product. It should not be disposed into the drainage system or nearby water sources and soil, properly dispose of this product according to local laws and regulations.