096 871 8718

No.88, Street 271
Phnom Penh 12102

Mon-Sat 7:30-5:30 pm



Product Code : 6740040101


Plastocrete is a general-purpose water-reducing admixture. It provides a more plastic flowable concrete, greater uniformity, increased durability, and reduced shrinkage and permeability in your concrete. It is recommended for use in the production of
conventional ready mixed concrete, whenever increased plasticity and higher ultimate strengths are desired. Furthermore, Plastocrete provide an economical solution in applications of concrete slabs, footings, paving, pre-casted, pre-stressed concretes.

It is advised to store Plastocrete in dry conditions, protected from direct sunlight and frost. It has a shelf life of 12 months from the date of production if store properly in undamaged and unopened original sealed packing.
For safety precautions, it is advised not wash your skin off with water and soap in the case that an accidental splashes occur. Accidental splashes to the eyes or mucous membrane must be rinsed with clean warm water. If inhaled, move far away from the contaminated area into fresh air.