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HomeProductSikaRep® S

SikaRep® S

Product Code : 6740020502

SikaRep® S

     SikaRep® S is a cementitious, fiber reinforced, polymer modified, one-component repair mortar that gives smooth surface finishing. It provides excellent workability with adjustable consistency in the mix. It has excellent thixotropic characteristic, suitable for verticle application, and applicable for layering up to 20 millimeters in thickness. In addition, it has good bonding strength to the concrete. It is packaged in a 20 kilograms bag and has a shelf life of about 6 months from the date of production, in its original, sealed and undamaged package.

It is mainly used in filling or repairing mortar in voids, honeycombed areas and spalled concrete, caused by reinforcement corrosion.

For 1 liter of fresh mortar. 1.46 kg of powder is required. Consumption depends on the concrete surface and the application method. On a level substrate, the consumption rate varies from 14.5 kilograms to 14.8 kilograms of dry mortar (powder) per m² at 10 mm layer of thickness.

For application instruction, substrates must be sound, free of loose particles, dust, dirt. Oil and wax containing layers, as well as laitance must be completely removed. Then, the substrate must be thoroughly wetted down prior to the mortar application. During mixing, Fill sufficient clean water into a small container, then add SikaRep® S to the wat and hand mix thoroughly with a spatula until a smooth workable consistency is achieved. It is advised to always respect the water/powder ratio while mixing. If the mix has thickened due to the delayed application, do not dilute further with water. For large repair, it is advised to use a mechanical mean of mixing such as a drill or a paddle. In addition, mix it all together in a low-speed setting for about 3 minutes by following the ratio of 4.7 liters to 5.3 liters of water per bag. As soon as the mortar has started to cure, wooden or synthetic float or a styrofoam block can be used for smoothing the surface.

For safety reasons, use personal protective equipment when handling or using SikaRep® S. When not in use, store the product in its original package and reseal it back carefully. In the case of eye contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice,  keeping the eye wide open while rinsing. If swallowed, it is advised to clean your mouth with water and drink plenty of water afterward. On the other hand, do not release or empty this product and its content into the nearby water source or sewage system.