096 871 8718

No.88, Street 271
Phnom Penh 12102

Mon-Sat 7:30-5:30 pm



Product Code : 6740015001


Type :                                     Sodium Silicate

Performance:                    Curing efficiency tested in accordance with ASTM C309-81

Colour:                                 Transparence Blue

Storage Conditions:       Store at protected area from direct sunshine at tempurature between 5OC and 40OC

Shelf Life:                           2 years in well sealed containers

Packaging:                         200 ltr. drum

  • Antisol S is a ready-to-use, chloride-free, aqueous concrete curing solution of metallic silicate. The application of this product will forms microcrystalline seal in the concrete pore, reducing evaporation rate of moisture from the mix, thus assisting in the complete hydration of the cement. It is a clear, non-staining and non-toxic solution, suitable for use in normal condition.
  • Antisol S has a maximum shelf life of 12 months to 2 years if stored properly in unopened original container in cool, dry and shaded space. It is recommended for both vertical and horizontal surfaces treatment, where resin-based curing membranes would be unsuitable because of their uncertain film breakdown, and the effect on the performance of further surface treatments. When applied, Antisol S helps reduce incidence of plastic shrinkage, dusting and as a concrete curing system, which subsequent surface treatments or paints are to be applied. It is particularly useful for buildings and manufacturing industries, which needed protection against water loss in concrete and prevent shrinkage in concrete. In addition to this, it is applied to fresh concrete surfaces to form impervious membrane, which protects the concrete from rapid water evaporation during initial curing stages. It is used on highways, runways and taxiways, roof decks, retaining walls, pre-stressed beams, piers, irrigation canals/channels. For safety reasons, move out of the immediate area and into fresh air if inhaled. In case of accidental skin contact, take off the contaminated clothing and shoes immediately and wash yourself off with soap and plenty of water. In the case of eye contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. If swallowed, it is advised to clean your mouth with water and drink plenty of water afterwards.
    For ecological reasons, do not empty the product and its content into nearby water source or sewage system. It is advised to use inert absorbent material such as sand, silica gel, acid binder, sawdust etc to soak the product up. In addition, keep the product and its
    content in suitable, closed containers for disposal.