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HomeProductBentonite Powder Pilewell SW-150

Bentonite Powder Pilewell SW-150

Product Code : SW-150


PILEWLL™ SW 150 is selectively mined and process for high end trenchless technology as well as trenchless drilling, it is polymer treated sodium activated Bentonite which have a Yield of 150 BBL. PileSW-150 is highly recommended for Micro tunnelling, HDD, HDB and other similar high tech trenchless process.

  • Applicable for many type of soil’s statistic.
  • One Bag slurry suitable for Micro tunnelling, HDD, Pipe Jacking, hence one Bentonite for whole project.
  • Ace carrying capacity.
  • One bag additives for drilling.
  • Share thinning fluid.

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