096 871 8718

No.88, Street 271
Phnom Penh 12102

Mon-Sat 7:30-5:30 pm



Product Code : 4067020100801


Sika Micro SCC is a self-compacting, cementitious micro concrete, with incorporated corrosion inhibitor and extended working time to suit local ambient temperatures. It is an economical self-compacting micro concrete with excellent flowability and dimensional stability.
It is non-toxic and non-corrosive compound. In addition, it has good flow characteristic providing high strengths and adjustable consistency. It has a shelf life of at least 12 month in unopened, sealed original container. It is advised to store Sika Micro SCC in dry conditions, protected from direct sunlight at temperature between 5°c and 40°c. It is used in Larger Repairs to Reinforced Concrete Structures exposed to industrial or marine environs, resurfacing of
reinforced concrete slabs and any concrete works where access for placement and consolidation is restricted.

Prior to application of Sika Micro SCC, ensure that the concrete surfaces has been cleaned, sounded and free of greases, laitance and loose particles. This is to make sure that the product can perform as expected of pre-trial test. Furthermore, pour or pump micro concrete after mixing while ensuring that entrapped air is able to escape. Make sure to keep micro concrete flow uninterrupted and necessary formwork is firmly in place and watertight.
For safety precautions, do not inhale vapor or dust generated by this product. It is advised to move to fresh air if there is no sufficient ventilation or respiratory equipment. If swallowed, it is advised to clean mouth with water and drink plenty of it. On the other hand,
do not flush or empty this product and its content into near water source or sewage system.
Pick up and arrange for disposal without creating dust by keeping it in suitable and closed containers.