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Phnom Penh 12102

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Bathroom corner painting

* Sika TopSeal 107 is Flexible Protective and Waterproofing Motar. It uses for interior and exterior waterproofing and damp-proofing of concrete, Protection of concrete structures against the effects of de-icing salts and freeze-thaw attack, Rigid waterproofing of basement walls in new construction and refurbishment. Advantages of sika topseal 107: Easy to apply, No water required,…

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The most important part of a completed building is its roof. It serves an important role in providing shades, a passive protection against rain, wind and light and provide a cool environment inside the building. But some roofs are built from heat absorbing materials such as metal, zinc, clay and concrete. These material worn down…

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Building Joint Solution

Whether it is a small house or tall skyscraper, buildings are subjected to weather elements all the time, this causes building joints to expand and contract. In some cases, the expanding and contracting can cause cracks in several areas leading to leakage and weaken the concrete bond. It is crucial to consider this problem when…

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terrace (1)

Terrace/Balcony is an important part of a building. Balconies are often used as extensions for the indoor living space, whereas terraces are large open spaces that can be used for many purposes. Both give several advantages for the building such as relaxation space, clothes drying space, gathering space etc. However, they are prone to weather…

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Swimming pool

Swimming pool is a recreational space where people can come and swim in the clear blue water. Because it contains large volume of water, it is subjected to extreme pressure and very wet. In many residential area swimming pool are built on the ground floor, which is easier and the ground can take up the…

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Bathroom-1 (1)

In every home and building, bathroom is an important space for defecation and cleaning yourself up. Bathroom is a part of a house or building, however, it came with its own problems and it can range from cosmetic to catastrophic. Most common problem can be overlook such as cracks, leaks, wall, mold etc. The concentration…

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basement (1)

Before starting to build any building, foundation must be lay down first. It is an important part of the building, as it holds all of the building loads and provide the starting point in building any houses, high-rise buildings and skyscrapers. However, foundation is prone to water damage and pressure from the load of its…

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